
Product Campaign


Organized Planet is a training app to help people remember their personal belongings and become more organized in their daily life. Based on psychology theories and practice of habit formation, it integrates fun training games into users’ everyday life, to help them build a life long habit step by step. According to our consultation from an psychology expert, habit is formed around specific behaviour. So in our first edition, we mainly help people manage their phone, wallet, bus card, and keys. We printed flyers in the shapes of these items and spread them on campus in the launching campaign.


Product designer
Problem definition, customer validation, campaign design, landing page design, data collection, data analysis

Result and Key Takeaway

In our launching campaign experiment, we created an official site landing page, a Facebook channel, posters and flyers for our service, to see how many percent we can convert viewers to our customers.

At the time we report our marketing campaign results, we have 22 visitors to our official site, and 3 signups in the Google form, during the two weeks that we are debuting around the campus. So we have a conversion rate of 13.6%.

After the project, I reflected on the whole process and found several key points to keep in mind:

  • Dig real customer needs: At first we were thinking about a very intuitive way to help people who often lose their personal belongings — a tracking device to help people locate and find their items. But as we got in touch with more potential customers and interviewed with deep insightful questions, we found out that people do not want to depend on external help and become even more absent-minded.

    On the other hand, they are troubled by messy and disorganized lifestyle and seek for change towards a conscientious and organized life. Some of them are reading books to help them form a good habit but it does not really work. That's when we became clear that another tracking device won't solve the real problem.

  • Research into real science and consult experts: We shifted our direction to help people form the habit of remembering personal belongings and becoming organized through training games, which are integrated into their everyday life. Then we looked into habit formation theories and decided to build a reward system to reinforce the new habit. We thought in more general terms with habit training until we got suggestions from an expert that habits are usually formed around specific things. So we decided on specific items in everyone's daily life: phone, wallet, bus card, and keys. We also looked into other psychological theories such as nudge and mnemonic, to help design the training games.