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News service / Business concept design

11/2017 ‒ 12/2017

Newsly is a business concept design project in Management of a Technology Venture course. Our job was to find new opportunities in any interesting market and create concept of our own venture. We were interested in the fact that algorithms of modern news products build "filter bubbles" for every user. This has actually deepened the disparity among people with different ethnicities, beliefs, educational backgrounds, etc.

Identifying the Opportunity

We found there is a lack of fact check mechanism in social media and people do not have access to reliable news resources and get stuck in their bubble of biased information.

Newsly Concept Video

In the end, we decided to help shape the reliability of news from the source. Thus, we created a tool for freelance journalists to write more reliable stories, combined with features of content aggragator and crowd-sourced fact check service.